Wednesday, February 24, 2010

No More Crutches...

Could my life stand on it's own? That is the question that God has been using in this season to challenge, convict and prune me. What area or areas of my life, in this season could not stand on its own, but needs explanation? My buddy, Todd, and I started a discipleship group for men on Tuesday mornings, and the challenge has been to be men of the Word, men of prayer and men of integrity. Well, if I am growing in those areas my life should be able to stand on the goodness of God and reflect the transforming power of the Gospel. I want so desperately to be a man whose life reflects the character of God, and yet as you know that is a lot easier to say than to live out. But, why is that? I mean, God has promised us His grace, His Spirit, His Truth to lead us, and empower us over sin and yet there are still so many fumbles.

I don't claim to have the answer, but one thing I have come to realize in my own life is that there is a huge difference between managing your sin and image and living transparently before God and others. I think a lot of times as Christians we spend the majority of our time trying to explain away our actions than pursuing holiness and Christ-likeness. God hasn't called us to guard our image or manage our sin, He has called us to bear His manage and deal ruthlessly with our sin. That is totally different than the way we as Christians live sometimes. I know what you're thinking, this post is already five sentences too long, so let me go back to the beginning...yes the beginning.

Can your life in this season stand on its own? Could people look at your life all facets of it and walk away and say I know what that man/woman is all about? Or would they be confused that your life which is to resemble and reflect Christ looks no different than the unbelieving world. I don't ask the question in judgment, believe me, its the question I ask myself daily...whether I am at the gym, outside with my kids, out to dinner with my wife, or even sitting a lone at Starbucks could my life stand on its own. If the answer is no, or not in this area, it's time to stop talking to cover ourselves, and start talking to God for forgiveness, and change.

The Gospel is the power of God to bring salvation and transformation...maybe it's time we stop confusing people not so much with our doctrine, but with our lives. Just another rambling, but praying hard our lives will be able to stand without the crutches of excuses...God Bless.


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