Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Queen Bee...

Okay, seriously how adorable are these girls? My buddy Jamin sent me this picture the other day. The beautiful little girl holding the giraffe is my daughter, Emily and the other two precious little ones are Jamin's daughters Ellie and Cianna. Jamin is not only a close friend, and co-worker, but he is also my neighbor.

God in these recent days has me really praying specifically for my family. In fact I have a huge white board in my office and I have begun to make and keep note of the different passages of Scriptures that the Lord lays on my heart concerning my wife, my son and my little queen bee, Emily. And although my daughter is not even two yet, I was praying this morning for her relationships. I was praying for the friends that she would have and seek to make. I began praying that she would be catalyst in the midst of her friendships and I prayed that she would never allow herself to be swayed negatively.

As I prayed for Emily I could not help but to think back at my past and reflect on the many different occassions I failed to be a positive influence in the lives of those around me. I also thought about how weak I was in my character before I met Christ and discovered the life He desired me to live. If the world I grew up in was tough, what about the world that my children are going to grow up in. I know and believe that "greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world", I just pray that my kids would discover and experience that for themselves. Until then I guess I will enjoy watching my little girl run around in the yard with her other little friends...oh how I wish I could just freeze those moments, especially when I think about some punk kid showing up at my house to take my little girl out on a date---but that's a whole 'nother post!!!

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